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    Effects of Ginsenosides on Relaxation of Rabbit Vaginal Smooth Muscle. Korean J Androl. 2003 21(2): 98-102.
    Univariate and Multivariate Analysis of the Factors in Recurrence and Progression of Superificial Bladder cancer. Connam Med J 2003 39(2): 98-106.
    The Effect of Finasteride on Male Pattern Baldness in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Korean J Urol 2004 Jan 045(02): 135-140.
    Deletion of Y-Chromosome Specific Genes in Testicular Germ Cell Tumor. Korean J Urol 2003 Feb 044(02): 174-179.
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    Men with Hypertension are More Likely to Have Severe Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Large Prostate Volume.
    Article first published online: 23 DEC 2013
    DOI: 10.1111/luts.12046
    Predicting Factors for Stent Failure-Free Survival in Patients With a Malignant Ureteral Obstruction Managed With Ureteral Stents. Korean J Urol 2013 54(5):316-321
    Small-bore single laparoscopy-assisted trans-vaginal ovarian cystectomy for benign ovarian diseases. BJMMR, 5(1): 32-40, 2015
